Friday, October 22, 2010

Food Waste Friday

Only 10 days to go until I begin my year-long experiment... I am getting excited!  In the meantime, I thought I would take a page out of The Frugal Girl's book and chronicle my weekly food waste. 

Spending money wisely also means not wasting it... and that includes not wasting food.  So, each week I will document what food is needlessly wasted and report it here.  Feel free to leave me a comment with your own food waste.

Here goes...
• 1/2 can of Pepsi (I hesitate to call this waste.  I basically only drink cans of pop when I have a migraine as the caffeine seems to help the medicine work quicker.  This time I only drank a little bit of it.  I even used a little more of the can to make myself a small "Pepsi Float" with ice cream.  But as soft drinks are not really healthy, I saw no point in forcing myself to drink the other half of the can just to avoid food waste. )
• 1 apple (It wasn't very old, but it rotted anyway.)

How did you do?